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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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News - SLU

2018/2019 School Year

22nd May 2019
We made yummy pizzas in Speech Class today to help us remember what half and quarter...
17th May 2019
Yesterday Oliver's nanny Joan called into the Speech Class to tell us about life...
22nd Mar 2019
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day Miss Davidson's class decorated some buns with green...
7th Mar 2019
Today in Speech Class we had lots of fun dressed up as a character from our favourite...
8th Feb 2019
A new dinner menu (even though there are no changes) has been sent home. Click below...
6th Feb 2019
On Wednesday the 6th February the boys and girls were treated to some special visitors...
25th Jan 2019
It was fun Friday in SLU today working with a partner to make an igloo using marshmallows. Everybody...
5th Dec 2018
We were so proud of the children's performance in the Nativity show!
16th Nov 2018
Today we had great fun reading to our teddies using our torches. Our topic this term...
25th Oct 2018
On Friday 19th October, pupils from Castle Gardens participated in a Ditch the Dark...