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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Eco Team


The aim of the Eco-Schools programme is to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of school life.

With the help of the rest of the school, the Eco Committee are working through a seven-step process to implement behavioural change and study a range of topics to help us achieve the 'Green Flag Award'.

To be voted to become a member of Eco Committee, the children nominated themselves, prepared an application and competed against their peers.

 The Eco Committee are responsible for:

  • Collecting suggestions from and reporting back to their peers;
  • Helping to develop an Eco-Schools notice board to inform the rest of the school;
  • Discussing environmental issues relating to school life;
  • Encouraging their peers to take part in various projects to help us achieve the Green Flag Award.

Castle Gardens Eco Committee is made up of pupils from P4-P7, parents and staff, meeting monthly to make our school even more Eco-friendly. Our topics this year include Waste, Energy and Transport. 

Call in to this page to keep up to date with all our Eco-plans!


Building Together for the Future



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