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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards
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Summer Scheme 2022

22nd Jun 2022

Good morning
As communicated in previous newsletters, we will be running a summer scheme from from Monday 4th July to Friday 8th July.
Sessions will start at 9am and finish at 2pm each day.

Registration will open today at midday and close on Monday 27th June @ Midday. A link to the registration form will be shared at midday so you receive a notification, it is this link but it will not be active until midday.
Completing the form is not a guarantee that your child/children will be able to attend the scheme.
If we are able to offer a place for your child/children, you will receive confirmation on Tuesday 28th June.

Please Note the Following
Only one form is required for each family.
1:1 classroom assistants will not be available to support individual children.
This scheme is not funded by the Department of Education therefore will have cost per child.
The cost for the week is 1 child £50, 2 siblings £90, 3 or more siblings £120.
Payment will be required once places are confirmed on Tuesday 28th June.
Once a place is confirmed you will be sent payment information that will be completed via Eduspot.

Structure of the summer scheme will ultimately depend upon demand.
Assuming a high level of demand, pupils will be split into three groups - P1 & P2 including speech, P3 & P4, P5 to P7.
There will be a maximum of 30 children in each group, split into two teams of 15.
Each team of 15 will have a member of the Castle Gardens teaching staff with them each day.
Assistants will be with the younger groups as well to assist with supervision.

We would not expect the scheme to be oversubscribed but if demand is high and exceeds 90, we will apply the following criteria:
1. Children of staff working at the summer scheme
2. P1 to P7 pupils of Castle Gardens Primary School up to June 2022
3. If places remain in the P1 and P2 group, places will be offered to siblings of pupils in Castle Gardens Primary School attending Castle Gardens pre-school this academic year.
4. If places remain in the P1 and P2 group, places will be offered to siblings of pupils in Castle Gardens Primary School attending other pre-schools this academic year.

Should the scheme be oversubscribed and we are unable to offer places, we will use the time when this registration form was completed as a tie-break, with preference given to early signups.