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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Parent Interviews & Roadworks

24th Oct 2022

Parent-teacher interviews take place this week meaning pupils will finish early every day. School dinners will be served each day.

Pupils in P1 to P3 including Speech will finish @ 12.40pm.
Pupils in P4 to P7 will finish @ 1.00pm.
Siblings in P4 to P7 classes can be collected from reception @ 12.40pm.Parents should let class teachers know directly via Class Dojo if you need this to happen.

NI water roadworks have moved to Gregstown Park this morning and it will cause chaos this afternoon for anyone planning to park in this area.
We will try to free up car parking spaces for parents today once groundworks onsite are completed this morning but please be aware there will be significant congestion for parents, as well as significant inconvenience for residents, in this area this week.