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Castle Gardens Primary School, Newtownards

Arrangements for Parent Interview Week

20th Oct 2022

Parent-teacher interviews take place next week meaning pupils will finish early every day.
Pupils in P1 to P3 including Speech will finish @ 12.40pm.
Pupils in P4 to P7 will finish @ 1.00pm.

Siblings in P4 to P7 classes can be collected from reception @ 12.40pm. Parents should let class teachers know directly via Class Dojo if you need this to happen.

Access for Interviews
Parents are encouraged to enter and exit the school building through reception next week for parent interviews.
This is to allow our cleaning staff time to attend to cloakrooms and stairwells.

In Person or On Phone
What I didn't include on the booking form this time was an option to select a face to face meeting or a telephone meeting.
If you would prefer a telephone meeting, please contact class teachers directly via Class Dojo.

Non-Uniform Day
Next Friday, 28th October will be a non-uniform day with donations payable via SchoolMoney.
It will have a Ditch the Dark theme, encouraging all pupils to wear bright clothes and get ready for darker afternoons and mornings of late Autumn and Winter.

Fancy Dress Disco
Don’t forget it is the disco next Thursday evening with tickets available via SchoolMoney.
P1 to P3, including Speech 6pm to 6.45pm
P4 to P7 7pm to 8pm.